[turba] Turba Groups in head version updated yesterday.
Tue Oct 22 16:42:07 2002
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
| Quoting eculp@encontacto.net:
| > P.S. Has anyone implemented the group feature in ldap?
| Works fine for me.
That is great! Is there any reference to this in the faq? If not,
could you share a little more information on your configuration?
I'm not sure what attribute to use for the individual emails so
that mail will be sent to the group address. Is something
special needed in sources.php? I assume that the group dn would be
the same as any other entry but with the group email/uid something
like dn: mail=newgroup@domain.com,ou=addressbook,o=domain.com.