[turba] Importing from CSV, TSV and outlook. [Worked]

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Tue Oct 22 20:54:36 2002

Quoting "eculp@encontacto.net" <eculp@encontacto.net>:

 | Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:
 |  | Zitat von eculp@encontacto.net:
 |  |
 |  | > When I try the outlook address book format, the fields to match don't
 |  | > seeem to be found.  If I export them to CSV and try to import I get
 |  | > a blank screen and if I export them as TSV everything seems to work
 |  | > except the quotation marks are included in the export and the ^M in
 |  | > an address is interpreted as a record separator causing record
 |  | > separation.
 |  |
 |  | There are some issues with both cvs import methods we use. One is the
 |  | builtin fgetcsv() function from PHP, the other the File::CSV package from
 |  | PEAR which is chosen if installed on your system. Which one do you use?
 | (See
 |  | test.php)
 | I have File::CSV installed.  I wasn't aware of fgetcsv.  Should I remove
 | File::CSV?

I removed the pear File folder with CSV and I was able to import the CSV 
file.  The only minor issue was that even though the import was successful,
IMO, because all but the duplicate entries were imported, an error was 
reported because there were a couple of duplicated entries but they were 
not duplicated in the ldap directory.  Maybe File::CSV isn't the optimal

Thanks for the help, 

