[turba] ldap browse returns non-people

adam@morrison-ind.com adam@morrison-ind.com
Thu Oct 24 19:31:13 2002

>to be looking for that user to exist?  A system user, or an entry in the 
>LDAP database, or what?  My authentication for horde is being done by imp, 
>against the system's user/password database.  When I put my system username 
>in the admin array, I still don't get write access.  Is it looking to match 
>against something in the LDAP, and if so, what kind of record/attribute?

Yes, it is going to need to bind to LDAP as a non-anonymous users.  Thus the DSA
(LDAP server, slapd) must be able to authenticate the user.  You probably want
to dig into the SASL extensions of OpenLDAP,  which really has nothing to do
with Turba.