[turba] Error: failed to connect

Bob Bomar bulldog@fxp.org
Wed Nov 13 04:49:30 2002

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I have been getting this error:
'Failed to connect to specified directory'
when I try to add a name to the Address Book.

I have tried adding=20
'protocol' =3D> 'tcp',

to turba/config/sources.php, but with no luck.  I just recently
installed everything.  I have ran the turba/scrpits/drivers/turba.sql
and added the proper tables succesfully, and have made sure that the=20
name and password are correct for MySQL Db, but it still wont work.

Any suggestions?

| Bob Bomar 	bulldog@fxp.org 	http://www.bomar.us/~bob |
| FreeBSD: The Power to Serve.		http://www.freeBSD.org   |

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