[turba] IMP ldap prefs/Turba personal ldap addresses

Lee lee at disinfo.com
Thu Dec 5 16:55:21 2002

I have a full ldap/turba implementation. Heres the requisite info:


$vdomain = strtolower(preg_replace('|^mail\.|i', '',  
$uid = preg_replace('|@.*|i', '', $usermail);

/*      PRIVATE ADDRESS BOOK      */

$cfgSources['private'] = array(
        'title' => 'Personal Addressbook for ' . $uid,
        'type' => 'ldap',

        'params' => array(
            'server' => 'ldap.ourcompany.com',
            'port' => 389,
            'root' => 'ou=addressbook,uid=' . $uid.  

            /*BIND AS USER NOT AS ROOT    */

            'bind_dn' => 'uid=' . $uid .  
            'bind_password' => $pass,
            'dn' => array('cn'),
            'objectclass' => array( 'addressBookEntry' ),
            'encoding' => 'utf8',
            'version' => 3,
            'filter' =>  ''

        'map' => array(
            '__key' => 'dn',
            'name' => 'cn',
            'email' => 'mail',
            'homePhone' => 'homephone',
            'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
            'cellPhone' => 'mobile',
            'homeAddress' => 'postaladdress',
            'notes' => 'description'

        'search' => array(

        'strict' => array(

        'public' => true,
        'readonly' => false,
        'admin' => array(),
        'export' => true


$attributes['name'] = array(
     'type' => 'text',
     'desc' => _("Name")
$attributes['alias'] = array(
     'type' => 'text',
     'desc' => _("Alias")
$attributes['email'] = array(
     'type' => 'email',
     'desc' => _("Email")
$attributes['title'] = array(
     'type' => 'text',
     'desc' => _("Title")
$attributes['company'] = array(
     'type' => 'text',
     'desc' => _("Company")
$attributes['homeAddress'] = array(
     'type' => 'multiline',
     'desc' => _("Home Address")
$attributes['workAddress'] = array(
     'type' => 'multiline',
     'desc' => _("Work Address")
$attributes['homePhone'] = array(
     'type' => 'phone',
     'desc' => _("Home Phone")
$attributes['workPhone'] = array(
     'type' => 'phone',
     'desc' => _("Work Phone")
$attributes['cellPhone'] = array(
     'type' => 'phone',
     'desc' => _("Cell Phone")
$attributes['fax'] = array(
     'type' => 'phone',
     'desc' => _("Fax")
$attributes['notes'] = array(
     'type' => 'multiline',
     'desc' => _("Notes")


  ** Preference System Settings

// What preferences driver should we use? Valid values are 'none'
// (meaning use system defaults and don't save any user preferences),
// 'session' (preferences only persist during the login), 'ldap',
// and 'sql'.
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'ldap';

// Any parameters that the preferences driver needs. This includes
// database or ldap server, username/password to connect with, etc.
$conf['prefs']['params'] = array();

// This is an example configuration for an LDAP preference backend.
// The schemas needed for ldap are in horde/scripts/ldap.  For more
// information see sources and comments in horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php.
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'ldap';
$conf['prefs']['params']['hostspec'] = 'ldap.ourcompany.com';
$conf['prefs']['params']['port'] = '389';
$conf['prefs']['params']['basedn'] = 'ou=users,dc=ourcompany,dc=com';
$conf['prefs']['params']['uid'] = 'uid';

slapd.conf - ACLS:

# Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
defaultaccess none

access to dn=".*ou=addressbook,(uid=.+),ou=users,dc=ourcompany,dc=com"
        by dn="$1,ou=users,dc=ourcompany,dc=com" write
        by anonymous auth
        by * none

access to *  
             by self write
             by * auth

access to * by self read
             by * auth

Schema - We created an auxiliary objectclass with the horde attributes  
that we add to inetOrgPerson to make our full user accounts. You can do  
this yourself, or you can just make your useraccounts hordePerson. (FYI  
not using our real oids below, so I wouldnt copy it. You can get oids  
free online if you need to create your own schema). Likewise we created  
our own addressbook objectclass. Once again you can use a standard  
person, inetOrgPerson or whatever if you dont want to have to create  
your own. Just make sure you tell change turba's sources:map  

objectclass (
         NAME 'companyEmailService'
         DESC 'Attributes to Store User Preferences'
         SUP top AUXILIARY
         MAY ( emailServiceId $ emailServiceTransactionId $
               routingEmailAddress $ publicEmailAddress $
               emailServiceMailstoreAddress $ mail $
               hordePrefs $ impPrefs $ turbaPrefs $ gollemPrefs $  
kronolithPrefs $
               mnemoPrefs $ trollPrefs $ nagPrefs )

objectclass (
         NAME 'addressBookEntry'
         DESC 'Addressbook Attributes'
         SUP top
         MUST cn
         MAY ( mail $ cn $ homePhone $ telephoneNumber $
               mobile $ postalAddress $ description )

Our ldap is set up as follows:

objectclass: top
objectclass: ....
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: companyEmailService
objectclass: addressBookEntry


On Thursday, December 5, 2002, at 10:32 AM, Partha wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am in same boat as you.I too need the same
> configuration.I did try with that bits and pieces but
> not to the compeltion.I am giving it a rest untill
> week end and then try it again :-) .
> Please post some bits and pieces if get it running.
> Thanks in advance
> Partha
> --- "Gary C. New" <garycnew@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I am attempting to install and configure IMP/Turba
>> completely with ldap prefs and personal addresses.
>> I've been able to find several bits and pieces of
>> info
>> regarding the topic, but I still seem to be missing
>> some key parts.
>> Has anyone on this list been successful in a full
>> IMP/Turba ldap installation?  Can you point me to
>> some
>> more complete documentation configuring IMP/Turba
>> with
>> ldap?
>> I would especially appreciate sample slapd.conf and
>> horde.php files.
>> Respectfully,
>> Gary
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