[turba] LDAP Attributes Not All Displayed

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Wed Jan 15 05:52:05 PST 2003

BTW, I just noticed that on the first line the columns are inverted.
Sorry.  The rest seems ok.  I should have had more coffee before 


Quoting "eculp at encontacto.net" <eculp at encontacto.net>:

 | Quoting "Gary C. New" <garycnew at yahoo.com>:
 |  | This is a follow up to my previous message on the same
 |  | subject.
 |  |
 |  | I've been trying to track down the problem with not
 |  | all turba contact attributes being displayed from its
 |  | ldap directory source.
 | Gary,
 | I have over 20 attributes that are displayed and can be edited in turba.
 | The issue is usually between your horde/turba/config  sources.php and
 | attributes.php.  They must be exactly the same - spelling, case, etc.
 | I have put the maping from one of my addressbooks into a file with
 | the left column being attributes.php and the right from sources.php.
 | Hopefully this will make it a bit easier to see.
 | I hope this helps.
 | ed
 | The file is attached.  The fields are tab separated so you may want to
 | open it in an editor that respects tabs. :-)
 | -------------------------------------------------



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