[turba] Re: turba is slow with ldap

Damien Berjoan damber at mail.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Feb 25 14:31:17 PST 2003

I have the same problem, and I found what it is.
In my horde logs I have two ldap query in normal search and only one in 
advanced search :

filter = "(|(|(cn=*toto*)))"; attributes = "dn, cn, mail, 
telephonenumber, departmentnumber, sn" [on line 165 of 
filter = "(objectclass=*)"; attributes = "dn, cn, mail, telephonenumber, 
departmentnumber, sn" [on line 165 of /.../horde/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php"]

It's the second query "(objectclass=*)"  who it's so slow.
I modified the file /turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php line 145 :

//            $filter = '(objectclass=*)';
                 $filter = '';


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