[turba] Turba 1.2-RC4

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Wed Mar 5 05:52:09 PST 2003

>>This fixes the error when going to the search page,  and the ODBC and
>>PostgreSQL data sourses seem to work good now.  But queries to any of our 
>>LDAP data sources returns no results for any criteria.
>>We haven't touched sources.php, so I'm thinking it is a bug.  I don't see
>>any error messages, just no results.
>Perhaps you haven't defined your objectclass parameter correctly? We
>actually enforce what you say you want now, instead of using objectclass=*

Your right, changing -

        'root' => 'ou=People,o=Morrison Industries,c=US',
        'dn' => array('cn'),
        'objectclass' => '',
        'filter' => 'objectclass=organizationalperson'


        'root' => 'ou=People,o=Morrison Industries,c=US',
        'dn' => array('cn'),
        'objectclass' => 'organizationalperson',
        'filter' => ''

fixed the problem.  Very nice,  I'd pretty much forgotten about that hack.

It would be nice if that made the CHANGES file as quite a few people could be

Running around in Turba RC4, and everything seems to work. Congats.

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