[turba] problem upgrading from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1

Gérard Gachelin Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr
Wed Mar 5 16:58:00 PST 2003


We just move from turba 1.0 to turba 1.1
Mysql tables have different names and formats between the 2 versions.
So users lost their address books.
Is there any script to convert tables from the 1.0 model to the 1.1 model ?

Thanks for any help

Gerard Gachelin				Universite de la Reunion - CSI
15, Avenue Rene Cassin - BP 7151	97715 Saint-Denis MESSAG-CEDEX 9
Tel: 0262 93 82 72			Fax: 0262 93 82 60
Email : Gerard.Gachelin at univ-reunion.fr

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