[turba] lastname with apostrophe

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Apr 2 13:52:49 PST 2003

Quoting Markus Passerschröer <markus.passerschroeer at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>:

> Just created a new turba entry. The lastname has an apostrophe:
> "D'Alonzo". There is an error in the address book listing for this
> entry. While all entrys are listed "lastname, firstname" this specific
> entry is listed "Dalonzo, Luigi D'Alonzo" which is "lastname without
> apostrophe and without capital letter after the disappered apostrophe",
> "comma", "firstname lastname with apostrophe and capital letter after
> the apostrophe".

Fixed in CVS (HEAD and RELENG_1).


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de

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