[turba] Re:turba ldap and other mail programs

yvon.quere@laposte.net yvon.quere at laposte.net
Thu Apr 10 10:55:44 PDT 2003

Hi there Bill

From: Bill Dossett <bd at emtex.com>

>ever setup and configured... so now I would
>like to add an address book to it that turba
>can use.  I am following the instruction provided
>with turba and they are pretty clear and I

Are they ?!? Well. I didn't think I would have spent so much
time adding searchable directories (one OpenLDAP, the other
Active Directory) to Turba ;-)

However, as long as there's a 'mail' and 'cn' field in your
LDAP directory, it should be quite easy to add it to Turba.

>however I wondered, if anyone knows, would
>I be able to use this same address book and link
>it into netscape mail, and M$ outlook?  I'd

Yes you can. Great chance for you, the directory is OpenLDAP :
using loglevel in slapd.conf, you can easily trace what kind
of LDAP queries the mail clients are sending to your directory.

Most of them are sending queries related to those fields :
mail, cn, givenName. But in different flavours .. Mozilla is
quite cool as the query is something like

That kind of request will probably return what you're looking for.

The M$ ones are different : Outlook Express 6 (using the
search adressbook) is querying only (cn=john*) (ONE STAR ONLY
!). Will match "John Smith" but not "Paul John Smith" !!

Outlook 2K sends a fuzzier request as Mozilla does.

TROUBLE : Outlook express 6 seems to REQUIRE non empty 'cn'
field. I'm using Jamm to administer my email accounts, and, up
to now (0.9.4), it doesn't allow you to enter 'cn' values. I
scratched my head during hours not understanding why Outlook
didn't show my anything, even if using advanced search, and
filtering on 'mail' field.

Feel free to ask some more, on the list or privately.

Cheers, Yvon

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