Fwd: Re: [turba] Importing old Imp contact to Turba
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Tue Apr 15 15:14:28 PDT 2003
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von schimkat at hum.auc.dk -----
Datum: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 14:06:27 +0200
Von: Søren Schimkat <schimkat at hum.auc.dk>
Antwort an: Søren Schimkat <schimkat at hum.auc.dk>
Betreff: Re: [turba] Importing old Imp contact to Turba
An: Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
The script didn't work with Postgres.. so i've altered it a bit. I've
attatched the altered script if you want a copy.
Regards Søren
Jan Schneider wrote:
>Quoting Søren Schimkat <schimkat at hum.auc.dk>:
>>Hi Guys
>>Does anyone have a script for easily importing the old Imp 2.x adresses
>>to Turba 1.1?
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----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----
http://www.horde.org - The Horde Project
http://www.ammma.de - discover your knowledge
http://www.tip4all.de - Deine private Tippgemeinschaft
-------------- next part --------------
# $Horde: imp/scripts/imp2turba.pl,v 2002/05/26 23:06:56 jan Exp $
# File: imp2turba.pl
# Author: Micah Anderson - micah at riseup.net
# Version: 1.1
# Date: 8/7/01
# Purpose: This script converts an old imp addressbook database contents
# to the newer turba addressbook format.
# Usage: Modify the variables at the beginning of the script
# so that your database tpye/user/password, location and imp
# database and turba database are correct. Then simply run
# ./imp2turba.pl, if you have made the script executable, or
# perl ./imp2turba.pl
# Date: 5/12/01
# tuning for imp2.2.7 to turba 1.0 by Christophe Guilloux <rootix at bootix.net>
# Date: 27/5/02
# make the database type configurable.
use DBI;
my $IMP_DATABASE_LOCATION = 'hostname';
my $IMP_DATABASE_PORT = '5432';
my $IMP_DATABASE_USER = 'username';
my $IMP_DATABASE_PASS = '********';
my $IMP_DATABASE = 'dbname';
my $IMP_TABLE = 'imp_addr';
my $TURBA_DATABASE_USER = 'username';
my $TURBA_DATABASE_PASS = '********';
my $TURBA_DATABASE = 'dbname';
my $TURBA_TABLE = 'turba_objects';
my $dbi_options = {RaiseError => 1, ChopBlanks => 1, AutoCommit => 1};
|| die ("Connection error: $DBI::errstr");
|| die ("Connection error: $DBI::errstr");
$imp_statement = $db_imphandle->prepare("SELECT * FROM $IMP_TABLE");
while (my ($owner, $address, $nickname, $fullname) = $imp_statement->fetchrow_array()) {
@chars = ("A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", 0 .. 9, qw(! @ $ % ^ & *));
$unique_key = join("", @chars[ map {rand @chars} (1 .. 31) ]);
# Quote the strings appropriately for the database
my $quoted_key = $db_imphandle->quote($unique_key);
my $quoted_owner = $db_imphandle->quote($owner);
my $quoted_fullname = $db_imphandle->quote($fullname);
my $quoted_address = $db_imphandle->quote($address);
my $quoted_nickname = $db_imphandle->quote($nickname);
($quoted_key, $quoted_owner, $quoted_fullname,
$quoted_nickname,$quoted_address, '','','','','','','','','')";
$turba_statement = $db_turbahandle->prepare($turba_statement) || die "prepare: $$stmt: $DBI::errstr";
$turba_statement->execute || die "execute: $$stmt: $DBI::errstr";
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