[turba] Great ! Re:ldap.php patch

yvon.quere@laposte.net yvon.quere at laposte.net
Wed Apr 16 12:08:25 PDT 2003

Hi there Christophe (il y a encore du monde chez Bull ??? ;)

From: Christophe R?quillart <Christophe.Requillart at bull.net>

>I have some patches for the file
>/var/www/html/horde/turba/lib/driver/ldap.php :
>      1/  ldap_get_entries returns attribute names as
lowercase. This is a >problem in the getResults function.

Arghhh !!! I can't believe it ! I've been fighting for DAYS
trying to find why some attributes of my Active Directory
could be used as Turba's "name" field (in sources.php, "map"

Started to think it was a schema problem as some of the
problematic fields (namely displayName) were shown differently
in GQ as other fields (namely description)  : the
GQ-red-tagged attributes.

This was none of it, just this crazy case issue ! Without
applying the patch, I just changed my "map" statement to
"displayname" rather than "displayName" and the field got
correctly displayed !

I owe you one Christophe, thanks for the patch. 


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