[turba] Possible objectclass bug in Turba LDAP addressbook

Scott Courtney courtney at 4th.com
Thu Jun 12 09:32:27 PDT 2003

Good day!

I believe I have found a bug in the Turba addressbook when the personal address
book entries are stored in LDAP. It's not actually causing a problem at the
moment, because OpenLDAP is lax about enforcing object class inheritance, but
it may cause a problem with other LDAP servers or if OpenLDAP's later versions
tighten controls.

An addressbook entry created by Turba looks like this:

# John Doe, myuserid, personal_addressbook, example, com
dn: cn=Andy Baker,ou=myuserid,ou=personal_addressbook,dc=example, dc=com
cn: John Doe
mail: john_doe at example.com
o: Example Enterprises
facsimileTelephoneNumber: 555-555-9999
description:: VGVggeR33ub3RlICA=
objectClass: person
objectClass: pilotPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson

Notice anything missing? There should be an objectClass entry like this:

objectClass: top

Technically, "top" is a required objectclass of all LDAP objects. As I
mentioned, OpenLDAP happens to let you get away with omitting "top", but
I'm not sure that's true of all other LDAP servers.

I haven't had time to patch the PHP code yet, but this is probably a
trivial addition to a simple array somewhere. If one of the developers
could please reply to this message, just let me know if you want me
to submit a patch, or if you'd prefer to just do it yourself.

Kind regards,


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
courtney at 4th.com       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://4th.com/        | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)
                       | PGP Public Key at http://4th.com/keys/courtney.pubkey

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