[turba] Possible objectclass bug in Turba LDAP addressbook

Scott Courtney courtney at 4th.com
Thu Jun 12 15:35:41 PDT 2003

On Thursday 12 June 2003 13:09, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> > Technically, "top" is a required objectclass of all LDAP objects. As I
> > mentioned, OpenLDAP happens to let you get away with omitting "top", but
> > I'm not sure that's true of all other LDAP servers.
> Shouldn't you just add this to the objectclass in your config? Not sure a
> patch is needed... (feel free to submit one if it is).

We're both correct. It is a bug, but it's a bug in the distributed config
file, sources.php.dist. The 'objectclass' array for all of the LDAP objects
that Turba creates should have "top" added as the first entry in the list.

I've patched my local copy, but this should go into the code tree as well so
that it's part of the sources.php.dist version.


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
courtney at 4th.com       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://4th.com/        | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)
                       | PGP Public Key at http://4th.com/keys/courtney.pubkey

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