[turba] Multiline entry patch for Turba 1.2

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jun 15 20:35:17 PDT 2003

Quoting Edward Rudd <eddie at omegaware.com>:

> This patch fixes an issue with Turba 1.2 where it would insert a Carriage
> Return, Line Feed instead of just Line Feed between the lines of a
> multiline entry (ie. home address)  This causes a problem with Evolution
> where evolution will not display the entry in the address book if there
> is a carriage return in the entry..  But the entries SHOULD only have
> line feeds..

This is an LDAP issue, right? This should probably be addressed in the LDAP
driver, where it can be done only once. Patch?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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