[turba] Fwd: [imp] Adding Contact from Global to Personal Abook

jonathan soong jon.soong at imvs.sa.gov.au
Wed Aug 13 17:40:01 PDT 2003

Hi Chuck

I was/am looking at the same problem (that is allowing users to add LDAP 
users to an sql address book).

Just wondering how you are storing the LDAP users in the sql database?

The way i was doing it was creating an array, with the first entry being 
the source (e.g. 'localldap', 'localsql' etc) and
the second entry being the key to it (the object_id in case of sql or 
the dn in case of an ldap entry) ...

Is this how you were planning on storing the lists?


Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>Please send Turba patches/questions to the Turba list (or the dev list), not the
>IMP list.
>----- Forwarded message from chade at hopi.dtcc.edu -----
>    Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 08:09:16 -0400 (EDT)
>    From: Rob Wiltbank <chade at hopi.dtcc.edu>
>Reply-To: Rob Wiltbank <chade at hopi.dtcc.edu>
> Subject: [imp] Adding Contact from Global to Personal Abook
>      To: imp at lists.horde.org
>I'm attempting to modify the address book to allow folks to add contacts
>from a global addressbook (LDAP) to their personal addressbook (local
>sql).  I'm nearing the end, but I'm having an issue with one thing...
>The user looks up a name, clicks the add link, the addobject.php form is
>populated with the user information from the lookup, however, when the
>user clicks the save button, the resolves to a blank page.  Going through
>the addobjectaction.php, it seems to be gacking when it attempts to create
>the key:
>/* Create Object */
>$key = $driver->addObject($object);
>$driver seems to contain data, as well as $object, however, $key winds up
>empty, and I believe that is what causes the actual save to fail.
>I've included a patch with the code I have written so far -- any thoughts
>or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>*    Rob Wiltbank        * Delaware Technical & Community College *
>* Application Specialist *      Computer Services Department      *
>*  chade at hopi.dtcc.edu   *          Wilmington Campus             *
>*     302.571.5398       *            Lackey @ Large              *
>----- End forwarded message -----
>Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
>They're just looking at a wall of meat.
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/addobject.php ./addobject.php
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/addobject.php	2003-05-26 14:36:03.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./addobject.php	2003-08-12 10:11:52.000000000 -0400
>@@ -16,6 +16,25 @@
> require_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/ObjectView.php';
> require_once TURBA_BASE . '/lib/AbstractObject.php';
>+// Added 8/11/03 by Rob
>+// Add contact from global list.
>+// As long as we're at *least* sent and
>+// email address we can build an entry.
>+if (isset($_GET['incEmail'])) {
>+   $incoming['Name']       = $_GET['incName'];
>+   $incoming['Fullname']   = $_GET['incFullname'];
>+   $incoming['Department'] = $_GET['incDepartment'];
>+   $incoming['Givenname']  = $_GET['incGivenname'];
>+   $incoming['Surname']    = $_GET['incSurname'];
>+   $temparray = preg_split("/\?key=/", $_GET['incEmail']);
>+   $incoming['Email'] = $temparray[0];
>+   $key = htmlspecialchars($temparray[1]);
>+   $incoming = NULL;
> $title = _("Add a new contact");
> $js_onLoad = null;
> require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/common-header.inc';
>@@ -46,7 +65,7 @@
>     } else {
>         $object = new Turba_AbstractObject($driver);
>         $view = new Turba_ObjectView($object, TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/add/add.inc');
>-        $view->display();
>+        $view->display($incoming); //Pass query string array.
>     }
> } else {
>     include TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/add/select.inc';
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/displayobject.php ./displayobject.php
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/displayobject.php	2003-05-26 14:36:03.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./displayobject.php	2003-08-12 09:55:37.000000000 -0400
>@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
> require TURBA_BASE . '/status.php';
> if (isset($view) && is_object($view)) {
>-    $view->display();
>+    $view->display(NULL); //Pass NULL since view accepts argument.
> }
> require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/common-footer.inc';
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/editobject.php ./editobject.php
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/editobject.php	2003-05-26 14:36:03.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./editobject.php	2003-08-12 09:29:33.000000000 -0400
>@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
> require TURBA_BASE . '/status.php';
> if (isset($view) && is_object($view)) {
>-    $view->display();
>+    $view->display(NULL);
> }
> require TURBA_TEMPLATES . '/common-footer.inc';
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/lib/ObjectView.php ./lib/ObjectView.php
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/lib/ObjectView.php	2002-04-12 12:10:07.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./lib/ObjectView.php	2003-08-12 09:56:03.000000000 -0400
>@@ -41,7 +41,12 @@
>     /**
>      * Renders the object into an HTML view.
>      */
>-    function display()
>+    //
>+    // Added 8/11/03 by Rob
>+    // Add contact from global list.
>+    //
>+    // @param $incoming Array containing query string information.
>+    function display($incoming)
>     {
>         include TURBA_BASE . '/config/attributes.php';
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/templates/add/add.inc ./templates/add/add.inc
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/templates/add/add.inc	2003-05-26 14:36:03.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./templates/add/add.inc	2003-08-12 10:13:28.000000000 -0400
>@@ -41,7 +42,35 @@
> </tr>
> <?php
>     else:
>+// (commented)       $value = htmlspecialchars($this->object->getValue($key));
>+// Added 8/11/03 by Rob
>+// Add contact from global list.
>+// Populate form with global addressbook data.
>+       switch($key) {
>+          case "fullname":
>+             $value = $incoming['Fullname'];
>+             break;
>+          case "email":
>+             $value = $incoming['Email'];
>+             break;
>+          case "name":
>+             $value = $incoming['Name'];
>+             break;
>+          case "department":
>+             $value = $incoming['Department'];
>+             break;
>+          case "surname":
>+             $value = $incoming['Surname'];
>+             break;
>+          case "givenname":
>+             $value = $incoming['Givenname'];
>+             break;
>+          default:
>         $value = htmlspecialchars($this->object->getValue($key));
>+              break;
>+       }
> ?>
> <tr>
>     <td class="light" align="right"><b><?php echo $field['desc'] ?>&nbsp;</b></td>
>diff -urabB ../../horde.orig/turba/templates/display/display.inc ./templates/display/display.inc
>--- ../../horde.orig/turba/templates/display/display.inc	2003-05-26 14:36:03.000000000 -0400
>+++ ./templates/display/display.inc	2003-08-12 10:44:02.000000000 -0400
>@@ -88,6 +88,29 @@
>             }
>         }
>         $value = htmlspecialchars($this->object->getValue($key));
>+        //
>+        // Added 8/11/03 by Rob
>+        // Add contact from global list.
>+        //
>+        // Grab contact information.
>+        switch($key) {
>+           case "name":
>+              $incName = $value;
>+              break;
>+           case "fullname":
>+              $incFullname = $value;
>+              break;
>+           case "department":
>+              $incDepartment = $value;
>+              break;
>+           case "surname":
>+              $incSurname = $value;
>+              break;
>+           case "givenname":
>+              $incGivenname = $value;
>+              break;
>+        }                         
>     }
> ?>
> <tr>
>@@ -105,5 +128,22 @@
> </tr>
> <?php endif; ?>
>+<?php if (!($this->object->isEditable())): 
>+   //
>+   // Added 8/11/03 by Rob
>+   // Add contact from global list.
>+   //
>+   // Assemble email address and build href link.  Then,
>+   // create the link.
>+   $incEmail = $mailbox_host[0] . "@" . $mailbox_host[1];
>+   $strLink = "addobject.php?incName=$incName&incFullname=$incFullname&incDepartment=$incDepartment&incSurname=$incSurname&incGivenname=$incGivenname&incEmail=$incEmail";
>+    <td colspan="2" class="header" align="right"><span class="smallheader">
>+       <?php echo Horde::link(Horde::applicationUrl($strLink . $url), _("Add"), 'menuitem') . _("Add") ?></a>
>+    </span></td>
>+<?php endif; ?>
> </table>
> </form>

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