[turba] problem copying contacts ldap->sql

Benoit St-André ben at benoitst-andre.net
Fri Oct 17 15:44:45 PDT 2003

Hi everyone

I'm having some problems copying contacts in Turba from a public ldap address 
book to personnal sql address book. It works, but...

It refuses to add the same contact from the ldap address book to a second 
personal sql address book.

Main problem is: those contacts copied from turba/ldap are inserted in the sql 
database with a turba_object that looks like:

instead of something like 6c2c30fed85dc8be25743a02afa30319  	...

Since I'm not quite familiar with the code of Turba, could someone double 
check this ? (why in that case, Turba doesn't create a unique turba_object 
number ???)

Thanks !
Benoit St-André
Conseiller pédagogique à la CS des Affluents
Connaissez-vous Linuxédu-Québec ? http://linuxeduquebec.org
ben at benoitst-andre.net

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