[turba] undefined index problem yet again
Eric S. Johansson
esj at harvee.org
Mon Oct 20 15:02:12 PDT 2003
I am stumped. I have read all the FAQ's and STFW. I have followed
instructions, found them lacking, corrected the problems but I still
can't find an answer to why I am getting these messages from Turba
Notice: Undefined index: businesscategory in
/var/www/html/horde/turba/templates/browse/search.inc on line 14
Notice: Undefined index: homephone in
/var/www/html/horde/turba/templates/browse/search.inc on line 14
Notice: Undefined index: workphone in
/var/www/html/horde/turba/templates/browse/search.inc on line 14
Notice: Undefined index: cellphone in
/var/www/html/horde/turba/templates/browse/search.inc on line 14
Notice: Undefined index: homeaddress in
/var/www/html/horde/turba/templates/browse/search.inc on line 14
if I look in the database, I find the following four tables and entries.
horde-> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | horde_categories | table | postgres
public | horde_prefs | table | postgres
public | horde_users | table | postgres
public | turba_objects | table | horde
(4 rows)
horde-> \d turba_objects
Table "public.turba_objects"
Column | Type | Modifiers
object_id | character varying(32) | not null
owner_id | character varying(255) | not null
object_type | character varying(255) | not null default 'Object'
object_members | character varying(4096) |
object_name | character varying(255) |
object_alias | character varying(32) |
object_email | character varying(255) |
object_homeaddress | character varying(255) |
object_workaddress | character varying(255) |
object_homephone | character varying(25) |
object_workphone | character varying(25) |
object_cellphone | character varying(25) |
object_fax | character varying(25) |
object_title | character varying(255) |
object_company | character varying(255) |
object_notes | text |
Indexes: turba_objects_pkey primary key btree (object_id),
turba_owner_idx btree (owner_id)
I believe my permissions are also correct for access to the postgresql
database and allow all the right parties in:
in pg_hba.conf
host all all trust
local all all ident hordeadmin
in pg_ident.conf
hordeadmin root horde
hordeadmin apache horde
hordeadmin postgres horde
seems like it should work but I am obviously missing something. Help
would be appreciated.
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