[turba] RE: Import Turba Contacts

Mike Bydalek mbydalek at zivix.com
Fri Nov 28 11:47:11 PST 2003

> Can anyone help me solve this problem??
After taking just over 1000 contacts and importing them into Turba, I found out
some interesting things that I still have to go over and figure out "why?" they
were happening.

For one, Turba is REALLY picky about the formatting of each field.  For example,
using CSV, if there was an entry for "Address" without a comma, it wouldn't
like it.  If there was a phone number with improper formatting, Turba would
kick back errors.

All I can really say is to try and comb through your data as best as you can
(with 1000 it took me forever) and make sure that each field is properly
formatted.  I broke up my data into 50-100 blocks and went from there.

One thing that I think would help would be for Turba to say something along the
lines "The field <whatever> is invalid on line <whatever>" or at least "There
is an error in Record <whatever>" to help steer towards a problem.


> 		-----Original Message-----
> 		From: Ryan Burton [mailto:ryan at 602global.com]
> 		Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 4:53 PM
> 		To: 'turba at lists.horde.org'
> 		Subject: Import Turba Contacts
> 		Ok, here is my problem with the newest cvs version of
> turba.  When I go to import a csv file I get this error:
> 		Warning: Read more fields than the expected 86 in
> /usr/local/lib/php/PEAR.php on line 750
> 		The file actually has 92 fields, but if I specify that
> before the import, I get 56 of these errors messages above the address
> book pairing
> 		screen:
> 		Warning: Read wrong fields number count: '86' expected
> 92 in /usr/local/lib/php/PEAR.php on line 750
> 		If I continue to match up the fields and click import,
> it says it was done successfully, but there is nothing in the address
> book listing, they are all empty.  Does anyone have a solution for this?
> Thank you!
> --
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