[turba] Attribute types + nls setting does not apply on map import fields

Feczak Szabolcs feczo at siodigit.hu
Tue Feb 3 04:42:42 PST 2004

Jan Schneider wrote:

> It depends on the version of Turba you have. Turba 2.0-cvs allows
> theoretically any field type from Horde_Form, but not all are handled
> gracefully.

Im using the stable one so 1.2.1. I guess then Im out of luck with this
in this version.

Im facing a new problem. I have set hu_HU locale/nls in all possible config
files horde/config/prefs.php horde/config/lang.php 
and I do not allow users to have their personal settings. All 
works fine, till I got to export/import function. The first step is in 
but when I select import, the next step comes in english: "Map Import 
"*Select two matching fields." etc. This .inc also comes from horde main
files, but I cannot figure out what is the problem here ...


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