[turba] pager toggle option

Mike Bydalek mbydalek at zivix.com
Tue Mar 16 17:05:26 PST 2004

Since people are complaining, here they are.  The wording probably isn't too
good, and I can't come up with anything better right now.


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*** browse.php.orig     Tue Mar 16 19:57:45 2004
--- browse.php  Tue Mar 16 19:59:09 2004
*** 332,338 ****
          'source' => Util::getFormData('source')
!     if (Util::getFormData ('key') == '**search') {
          $page = Util::getFormData('page', 0);
          $numitem = $results->count();
          $maxpage = $prefs->getValue('maxpage');
--- 332,338 ----
          'source' => Util::getFormData('source')
!     if (Util::getFormData ('key') == '**search' || $prefs->getValue('paging_opt')) {
          $page = Util::getFormData('page', 0);
          $numitem = $results->count();
          $maxpage = $prefs->getValue('maxpage');
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*** config/prefs.php.dist       Wed Feb  4 16:57:36 2004
--- config/prefs.php    Tue Mar 16 19:59:42 2004
*** 15,21 ****
      'column' => _("Display Options"),
      'label' => _("Default Display"),
      'desc' => _("Select view to display by default."),
!     'members' => array('initial_page', 'sortby', 'sortdir', 'maxpage', 'perpage'));
  $prefGroups['format'] = array(
      'column' => _("Display Options"),
--- 15,21 ----
      'column' => _("Display Options"),
      'label' => _("Default Display"),
      'desc' => _("Select view to display by default."),
!     'members' => array('initial_page', 'sortby', 'sortdir', 'maxpage', 'perpage', 'paging_opt'));
  $prefGroups['format'] = array(
      'column' => _("Display Options"),
*** 147,150 ****
--- 147,161 ----
      'shared' => false,
      'type' => 'checkbox',
      'desc' => _("Do you want to confirm deleting entries?")
+ );
+ // preference for paging styles.
+ $_prefs['paging_opt'] = array(
+       'value' => 0,
+       'locked' => false,
+       'shared' => false,
+       'type' => 'enum',
+       'desc' => _("Select the way paging is formatted:"),
+       'enum' => array(0 => _("Alphabetic Listing (A-Z)"),
+                                   1 => _("Numeric Listing (1-2-3...)"))

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