[turba] LDAP server configuration in Turba

Edwin Culp eculp at viviendaatualcance.com.mx
Mon Mar 29 03:40:40 PST 2004

Quoting Prakash Velayutham <velayups at email.uc.edu>:

> Hi,
> We have a LDAP server here and I am sure it works fine as I could
> connect to it through Eudora client mail. I can query it for names and
> it does returns correct results.
> Now I have
> Horde - 2.2.4
> Imp - 3.2.2
> Turba - 1.2.1
> installed. Everything else like Local (My Address Book) SQL book works
> fine. I am now trying to configure to use this LDAP server, but I am not
> successful. I took the "localldap" configuration as the sample and
> modified it. We do not need passwords to connect to the server, so there
> is not bind name or password. Also I do not understand the "dc=uc" and
> "dc=edu" stuff inside params. I am attaching a portion of the
> sources.php here.
> Any ideas is appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.

I would suggest that you first use the parameters that you
are defining in your configuration file in a manual
ldapsearch.  They could very a bit depending on which ldap
server you are using but something like the following
should work based on what you have below.

# ldapsearch -H ldap://ucmail.uc.edu -x -z 0 -LLL -b
'dc=uc,dc=edu' '(objectclass=person)'


# ldapsearch -h ucmail.uc.edu -x -b 'dc=uc,dc=edu'

When working on the server in question

# ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -b 'dc=uc,dc=edu'

may work.

If your BASE and URI are defined in ldap.conf a simple

# ldapsearch

may even work:-)

I would suggest that once you can get what you want manually
you just use the same parameters in your conf file.  YMMV
and hopefully someone else will have a better solution.

Good luck,

> $cfgSources['UC'] = array(
>     'title' => 'UC Directory',
>     'type' => 'ldap',
>     'params' => array(
>         'server' => 'ucmail.uc.edu',
>         'port' => 389,
>         'root' => 'dc=uc,dc=edu',
>         'dn' => array('sn'),
>         'objectclass' => 'person',
>         'version' => 3
>     ),
>     'map' => array(
>         '__key' => 'dn',
>         'name' => 'sn',
>         'email' => 'mail',
>         'alias' => 'givenName',
>         'workPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
>         'workAddress' => 'postalAddress',
>         'company' => 'department',
>         'title' => 'title',
>         'fax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber'
>     ),
>     'search' => array(
>         'name',
>         'email'
>     ),
>     'strict' => array(
>         'dn'
>     ),
>     'public' => true,
>     'readonly' => false,
>     'admin' => array(),
>     'export' => true
> );
> Prakash
> --
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