[turba] Turba Configuration

David Tice dtice at wheatonma.edu
Mon May 17 12:35:23 PDT 2004

I have tried to configure Turba1.2.2 to work with horde 2.2-5 and Imp 3.2.3
Redhat 7.3 on a Dell 2550 machine. I cannot get the address book search to 
open from the IMP menu.
All I get is the /horde/turba directory structure to display in the 
browser. In the horde/turba/config/source.php file, the only thing listed 
is My Address book. I took out all of the other ones Netscape, etc...

Does anyone have an Idea as to what I am missing?

Any help would be great.


David Tice
System Administrator
Wheaton College
Norton, MA 02766
voice 508.286.3406
email:dtice at wheatonma.edu 

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