[turba] minisearch block problem

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Aug 7 17:46:48 PDT 2004

Quoting pete <pkarttun at siba.fi>:

> I added successfully a minisearch application block on a giapeto page. When i
> did a search and tried to click on a result to open a compose window, both my
> browsers Mozilla Firebird and IE6 gave me just a javascript runtime 
> error ("Line 0: Object required"). I'm not a javascript expert but i 
> assume the problem has something to do with frames? Removing the 
> target="_parent" in
> turba/minisearch.php on line 84 fixed the problem for me.

Well, your explanation makes no sense, and no, it has nothing to do 
with frames,
but I was able to reproduce the error (well, Firefox gave me a *much* better
error; please submit JS errors from it and not from IE if you can), and that
fixed it. Committed.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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