[turba] error in turba 2.0.1

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Sat Feb 12 06:39:52 PST 2005

The following pops up at the top of the page when I go to my address book:

Undefined variable: listList in /var/www/html/horde/turba-h3-2.0.1/browse.php
on line 236

The code is

/* Create list of lists for Add to. */
    $addToList = array();
    if (!empty($cfgSources[$source]['map']['__type'])) {
        if (is_a($listList, 'PEAR_Error')) {                 //      Line 236

It looks like this should be coming in from an include file, but I can't find
it in any of the turba source:

# grep -R listList *.php
browse.php:        if (is_a($listList, 'PEAR_Error')) {
browse.php:            $notification->push($listList, 'horde.error');
browse.php:            $listList = $driver->search(array('__type' =>
browse.php:            $listList->reset();
browse.php:            while ($listObject = $listList->next()) {


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