[turba] problem with special character in compose

Marcos Monge mmonge at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 05:43:54 PST 2005


There is a problem with turba, when you call turba from a compose
message window. In the pop-up windows that appear to search contacts,
if you select a person with some special character in the left pane,
if aggreged correctely in the right pane, with the correct special
character (accentued letter). This is ok for one or more users, using
only the left pane to select it, without using the search button.

But if to aggregate a new contact you use the search button, in the
left pane you see the result of the search, but in the right pane, the
previously added user name, is rewrited incorrectely. The special
character is transformed in a little square (similar to #). If you use
again the search button, the little square (#) is tranformed in
another different character code.

When you accept the whole list to return to the mail compose window,
the names in the To: / Cc: field are writed incorrectely, with the
especial codes, instead of the correct special characters.

Any idea about the problem, or it's a bug?

Best regards

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