[turba] Remove Top Menu 'Options' Item

Mark Petersen mpetersen at daily-journal.com
Wed Mar 16 10:22:27 PST 2005

This may be very well be a Horde question/feature request, and if it is I
apologize in advance.

I'd like to remove the 'Options' top menu item for a specific user(group,) or at
least make it so the options are read-only in Turba.  Is there some way to do
this without hacking up lib/Turba.php to check for a group/username using
Horde/Group.php or something similar for a user? I've looked all over the Admin
options and permissions of Horde.  I also searched a bit and can't find anything
specific to this issue, of course maybe I'm using the wrong terms.

thanks in advance,

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