[turba] Advanced search is auto-submitted when the source selection change

Etienne Goyer etienne.goyer at linuxquebec.com
Thu Mar 17 08:37:59 PST 2005


I can see that the advanced search form is auto-submitted when the 
source selection change (turba/templates/browse/search.inc, line 133).

In my installation, there are source with upwards of 5000 contacts in 
them.  What happen is that my users, when they get to the advanced 
search, first select the source for their search as it's the first field 
at the top of the search form.  This auto-submit an empty search that 
return the whole contact list from this source.  This is, not 
surprisingly considering the size of the contact lists, pretty slow.

To fix the problem in my installation, I just edited the search.inc 
template to remove the onChange event, but I was wondering : is there a 
reason for the current behavior ?

Thanks !

Etienne Goyer

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