[turba] Turba 1.2.2 and ldap

Jānis je at ktf.rtu.lv
Mon Mar 21 07:06:47 PST 2005


I'd liek to ask for some advice on ldap/horde implementation:

I have
1. Horde suite running using MySql ar address book backend;
2. LDAP directory with common and personal address books (openldap 2.2.23)

In case of common addressbook, i can add and entry just a plain entry with name
, if i try to add anything else, i get "There was an error adding this object."
and in horde log:
Mar 21 16:56:49 HORDE [error] [turba] Failed to add an object: [65] "Object
class violation" (attributes: [a:3:{s:2:"cn";s:12:"XXXX
YYYYY";s:4:"mail";s:11:"jkbjk at jk.lk";s:11:"objectclass";s:6:"person";}]). [on
line 41 of "/home/htdocs/morda/horde/turba/addobjectaction.php"]

if i try to add an entry containing national chars, i am getting following
RESULT tag=105 err=34 text=invalid DN

as for personal address book, i can go further than:
slapd[17402]: conn=7 fd=14 ACCEPT from IP=xx.xx.xx.xx:40640 (IP=
slapd[17423]: conn=7 op=0 BIND dn="cn=XXXX,ou=People,dc=d,dc=v" method=128
slapd[17423]: conn=7 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=49 text=

May be there issomething wrong woth directory config of turba config, because
all address book users are registered in ou=People as posixusers

when i try to browse it. There is one record allready made in this book.

And one general question: how can i make LDAP use iso8859-13 instead of standard

I can submit directory ldif (structure) if it could help...


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