[turba] Re: Turba 1.2.2 and ldap
Craig White
craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Mar 21 10:58:01 PST 2005
On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 20:07 +0200, Jānis wrote:
> Citēju Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>:
> > > In case of common addressbook, i can add and entry just a plain entry with
> > name, if i try to add anything else, i get "There was an error adding this
> > object."
> > > and in horde log:
> > > Mar 21 16:56:49 HORDE [error] [turba] Failed to add an object: [65] "Object
> > > class violation" (attributes: [a:3:{s:2:"cn";s:12:"XXXX
> > > YYYYY";s:4:"mail";s:11:"jkbjk at jk.lk";s:11:"objectclass";s:6:"person";}]).
> > [on
> > > line 41 of "/home/htdocs/morda/horde/turba/addobjectaction.php"]
> > ----
> > seems as though you would need a 'sn' attribute (surname - last name) as
> > that is required by person objectclass
> ok, but i am going to add new entries using Turba and in that case the input
> form does not contain sn/gn fields, just name. Hereto, if i enter info in
> any of the other fields, i get the same "error adding object"... I think, there
> is something to do with horde/ldap field mappings in turba conf...
no not turba.conf
if you look at localldap and personal_ldap structures in the
you will note that the personal_ldap structure has a mapping for
'lastname' => 'sn',
If you plan to add entries with objectclasses of person or
inetOrgPerson, you MUST have an 'sn' attribute as those objectclasses
require it - that is the error you are experiencing above
You are free to modify localldap or any ldap item that you create to
map/display attributes as needed or desired. In the case of adding
entries with the objectclasses above, you need to know that the 'sn'
attribute is needed.
> > > if i try to add an entry containing national chars, i am getting following
> > > error:
> > > RESULT tag=105 err=34 text=invalid DN
> > ----
> > hmmm...may be a problem with turba? Can you add these DN's via command
> > line (ldapadd)
> i made ldif file based on ISO8859-13 and slapcat can't add this as well (it
> seems that only UTF8 is accepted) - just changed an ldif, which was accepted
> previously
if you can't slapadd/ldapadd an entry, there's little prospect for turba
getting it done.
> > > as for personal address book, i can go further than:
> > > slapd[17402]: conn=7 fd=14 ACCEPT from IP=xx.xx.xx.xx:40640
> > (IP=
> > > slapd[17423]: conn=7 op=0 BIND dn="cn=XXXX,ou=People,dc=d,dc=v" method=128
> > > slapd[17423]: conn=7 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=49 text=
> > ----
> > isn't that an insufficient privileges error?
> i don't think so (slapd.conf):
> access to * by * write
what you think isn't correct - looking at ldap.h
err=49 is indeed INVALID CREDENTIALS
#define LDAP_SECURITY_ERROR(n) LDAP_RANGE((n),0x30,0x32) /* 48-50 */
> > > May be there issomething wrong woth directory config of turba config,
> > because
> > > all address book users are registered in ou=People as posixusers
> > ----
> > you have to manage your own ldap DSA - I wouldn't have turba writing to
> > my ou=People leaf since I keep the posix stuff there and all security
> > would be out the window. I tend to think of the ou=People not as an
> no, personal addressbooks are not under ou=People, but under
> personal_addressbook:
> dn: ou=janis,ou=personal_addressbook,dc=dv,dc=lv
> ou: janis
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: organizationalUnit
> structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
> It should be noted that the only intended function of ldap at the moment is
> storage of addrbooks for the use by Horde apps.
seems rather short-sighted
it's gonna make you work harder to 'authenticate' users to LDAP if you
don't use LDAP for authentication but since your ACL is 'access to * by
* write' - security and authentication have been rendered meaningless
> > > And one general question: how can i make LDAP use iso8859-13 instead of
> > standard UTF8
> > ----
> > LDAP uses UTF8 - by design - should be to your benefit
> ha, but i do not use UTF8 as it makes more problems than benefits. It is rarely
> used alltogether at the moment.
I am quite certain that your opinion is not in the majority
anyway, something that I have never played with is an option in
'charset' => 'utf-8',
you might be able to set it to something more to your liking
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