[turba] Re: Turba 1.2.2 and ldap

Jānis je at ktf.rtu.lv
Mon Mar 21 13:24:42 PST 2005

Citēju Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>:

> >
> > here is the citation of core.shema modified according to the
> core.shema.patch
> >
> > objectclass ( NAME 'person'
> >         DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
> >         SUP top STRUCTURAL
> >         MUST cn
> >         MAY ( sn $ userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )
> )
> >
> > from that i see, that sn is optional.
> > Regarding modification - can I only change mappings or more?
> ----
> core.schema as supplied by openldap v 2.2.23
> objectclass ( NAME 'person'
>         DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
>         SUP top STRUCTURAL
>         MUST ( sn $ cn )
>         MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )
> You wanna use a modified schema? You're on your own - I can't help you
> here. Suggest that you go back to the person who is providing you with
> this concept.

:))) it is taken from the turba distrib - under

> ----
> OK - just briefly glancing through it - he's suggesting a tree called
> ou=Hosting,ou=Account,dc=redant,dc=ca as base for user authentication.
> probably gonna have to work something like that through in your setup to
> get authentication working so you don't have authentication errors
> (err=49 - Invalid Credentials)

One Russian generel ~200 years ago said: :Repeating is the mother of knowledge".
Now the privat addr books are working - the mistake covered under wrong type of
user records - after close inspection of what i have, i changed it to person
/organizationalPerson as in example mentioned by myself... and it's ok now.

Regarding UTF8 problem - changing in sources.php to iso8859-13 does not help...
I (we) will have burden to change everything to hated UTF8 to use the addr book
with all it's beauty and getting incompatibile with standards used in Latvian
mailing community... if only to disable utf8 in ldap at all...


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