[turba] TURBA-H3-2.0.2 - Address book is common to all users

Kevin Druff kevin at druffs.com
Mon Jul 11 06:11:58 PDT 2005

Good morning --

That's strange. I have the exact same setup and I have no problems. I think
that your problem with the new example is that you have not configured Turba
properly through the Horde administration pages. In other words, you need to
go into Horde Administration and make sure your configuration has the proper
SQL username and password. 

Kevin Druff
MySQL Database Administrator
Tim Kaine for Governor
(804) 673-2100x2258

-----Original Message-----
From: turba-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:turba-bounces at lists.horde.org]
On Behalf Of Eleftheria Petraki
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 7:41 AM
To: turba at lists.horde.org
Subject: [turba] TURBA-H3-2.0.2 - Address book is common to all users

Hi all,


I just installed turba-h3-2.0.2 to work with Horde 3.0.2 and IMP h3-4.0.1. I
am using mysql trying to achieve a different address book for each user.
Unfortunately this is not the case as every user can view the contacts that
someone else creates. 


The sources.php file for turba is as follows:


$cfgSources['localsql'] = array(

    'title' => _("My Addressbook"),

    'type' => 'sql',

    // The default connection details are pulled from the Horde-wide

    // SQL connection configuration.


    // The old example illustrates how to use an alternate database

    // configuration.


    // New Example:

    //    'params' => array_merge($conf['sql'], array('table' =>


    // Old Example:

     'params' => array(

     'phptype' => 'mysql',

     'hostspec' => 'localhost',

     'username' => 'horde',

     'password' => '****',

     'database' => 'horde',

     'table' => 'turba_objects',

     'charset' => 'iso-8859-1'


    'map' => array(

        '__key' => 'object_id',

        '__owner' => 'owner_id',

        '__type' => 'object_type',

        '__members' => 'object_members',

        '__uid' => 'object_uid',

        'name' => 'object_name',

        'email' => 'object_email',

        'alias' => 'object_alias',

        'homeAddress' => 'object_homeaddress',

        'workAddress' => 'object_workaddress',

        'homePhone' => 'object_homephone',

        'workPhone' => 'object_workphone',

        'cellPhone' => 'object_cellphone',

        'fax' => 'object_fax',

        'title' => 'object_title',

        'company' => 'object_company',

        'notes' => 'object_notes',

        'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey',

        'smimePublicKey' => 'object_smimepublickey',

        'freebusyUrl' => 'object_freebusyurl'


    'search' => array(




    'strict' => array(





    'public' => false,

    'readonly' => false,

    'admin' => array(),

    'export' => true




When using the 'params' => array_merge($conf['sql'], array('table' =>
'turba_objects')), I get the error Failed to access the address book DB
error connect failed.


I could not find an appropriate solution to this problem - can anyone please


Thank you in advance




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