[turba] Add a new ldap contact with TURBA

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Wed Nov 9 05:59:31 PST 2005

Quoting "asiani at wanadoo.fr" <asiani at wanadoo.fr>:

> thanks you ! it is running now !
> just one think i don't understand...:)
> in turba, i added a new contact : it is ok !
> if i try to change something without changing the name, i have the error
> 68 : Already exist
> but if i change the name and other information, i can update contact
> (but the named must be changed again....)
> Do you know the problem ?

You should have an error message in slapd.log or the file that your 
system uses to log slapd errors.  It would help to see what it says.


> thks,
> Alain
> Edwin L. Culp wrote:
>> Quoting "asiani at wanadoo.fr" <asiani at wanadoo.fr>:
>>> Hello,
>>> I think there is a problem in add function of turba because turba is
>>> able to browse my addressbook :
>>> Here my configuration :
>>> // First we need to get the uid.
>>> $uid = Auth::getBareAuth();
>>> $basedn = 'dc=export,dc=com';
>>> $cfgSources['personal_ldap'] = array(
>>>   // 'title' => _("My Address Book"),
>>>   'title' => "Personal",
>>>   'type' => 'ldap',
>>>   'params' => array(
>>>       'server' => 'ldap',
>>>       'tls' => false,
>>>       'root' => 'ou=' . $uid . ',ou=Personal,ou=addressbook, ' . $basedn,
>>>       'bind_dn' => 'uid=' . $uid . ',ou=Users,' . $basedn,
>>>       'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),
>>>       'dn' => array('cn', 'uid'),
>> Is uid really necessary on the above line?  I don't know why but it
>> stucks out for me.  Also, if the uid is for login then where do we
>> learn about cn?  I think I better go for another ristreto and come back
>> and read this again.  I must be missing something.  One more thing that
>> is always interesting for me is, what dos your slapd.log say about all
>> this?
>> ed
>>>       'objectclass' => array('top',
>>>                              'person',
>>>                              'inetOrgPerson',
>>>                              // 'calEntry',
>>>                              'organizationalPerson'),
>>>       'scope' => 'one',
>>>       'charset' => 'utf-8',
>>>       'version' => 3
>>>   ),
>>> And the error : :)
>>> Une erreur est survenue lors de l'ajout de ce contact. Contactez votre
>>> administrateur système pour plus d'information.Failed to add an object:
>>> [32] "No such object" DN:
>>> cn=X,uid=20051109082611.gesxmsby45s at mail,ou=xxx,ou=Personal,ou=addressbook,
>>> dc=export,dc=com (attributes:
>>> [a:4:{s:2:"cn";s:1:"X";s:2:"sn";s:1:"Y";s:3:"uid";s:31:"20051109082611.gesxmsby45s at mail";s:11:"objectclass";a:4:{i:0;s:3:"top";i:1;s:6:"person";i:2;s:13:"inetOrgPerson";i:3;s:20:"organizationalPerson";}}]).Charset:UTF-8
>>> thanks,
>>> Alain
>>> Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>>>>> I don't understand this error :
>>>>> Une erreur est survenue lors de l'ajout de ce contact. Contactez votre
>>>>> administrateur système pour plus d'information.Failed to add an object:
>>>>> [32] "No such object" DN:
>>>>> cn=TRICOR,uid=20051108113743.3n19gj5thtes at mail,ou=xxx,ou=Personal,ou=addressbook,
>>>> Most likely the parent
>>>> "uid=20051108113743.3n19gj5thtes at mail,ou=xxx,ou=Personal,ou=addressbook,
>>>> ..."  of the object you are attempting to create "cn=TRICOR" does
>>>> not exist.  Perhaps you are attempting to create an object with a
>>>> multivalued DN?  (where both CN and uid constitute the RDN?).  If
>>>> so, the DN of the object you want to create is -
>>>> cn=TRICOR+uid=20051108113743.3n19gj5thtes at mail,ou=xxx,ou=Personal....
>>>>> dc=export,dc=com (attributes:
>>>>> [a:4:{s:2:"cn";s:6:"TRICOR";s:2:"sn";s:7:"laurent";s:3:"uid";s:32:"20051108113743.3n19gj5thtes at mail";s:11:"objectclass";a:4:{i:0;s:3:"top";i:1;s:6:"person";i:2;s:13:"inetOrgPerson";i:3;s:20:"organizationalPerson";}}]).Charset:UTF-8
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