[turba] Failed to access the address book: DB Error: connect failed

Chris grooveman at comcast.net
Tue Dec 27 19:05:55 PST 2005


I am trying to run Horde.  I have set up the basic framework, and
everything seems to be okay.

I have set up the Horde authentication to use .htpasswd.  I am running
OpenBSD 3.8.  I am using mysql and php4-core-4.4.0p0.  My Horde version
is 3.0.9 and my Turba version 2.0.5.

I have my turba configured to use localsql (although I confess, I don't
know for certain what that means... I do not see a table or a db setup
for this in mysql.  I use it because it was referenced in sources.php). 
The documentation on the web does not appear to be accurate... It said
to use scripts/drivers/<mydbscript>.  There was no drivers subdir,
instead I found scripts/sql/turba_objects.mysql.sql.  I executed that as
the db root.  I see my tables, but I do not see any data within.

When I try to access my addressbook via the interface, I get this error:
"Failed to access the address book: DB Error: connect failed".

I cannot figure out why.  Mysql is running, and I can connect to it just
fine on the command line.  Why can't turba find it?  What did I do wrong?

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.


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