[turba] LDAP uid not same as real uid

Mark Worsdall turba at worsdall.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 17 06:47:57 PST 2006


We have horde framework installed on server.internet but the ldap server 
is on server.office

The users have been added to the server.office in the form of thier 
logon uid

example: maw

When turba does any updating to the ldap server.office from the 
server.internet machine, it changes the uid on the ldap into:

20060217024535.h97w5stgqts at server.internet

How can I stop turba doing this in the shared directory sources.php ldap 

It is also doing this in the personal ldap sources.php which is why I 
think it is reporting back invalid credentials?


Mark Worsdall
http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??

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