[turba] Add file to contact - disable?

Way, Susan A sway at fhcrc.org
Fri Apr 14 14:59:20 PDT 2006


I have installed Horde 3.1.1, IMP 4.1.1 and Turba 2.1 - everything is working well except for 2 features in Turba I really need to disable. 

The ability to add files to contacts - how can I disable this feature?. Users need the ability to upload files because of email attachments but storing files on the web server is not an option here.

In My Address Book/contacts, after the address is entered an image with a link (map.pnp) appears. This is a link to a whois. I also need to disable this feature.

Thank you 

Susan Way 
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 
Server Operations/IT 
Seattle, WA 98109 
sway at fhcrc.org 

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