[turba] client addressbook conf has no effect

Nathan Mills nathan at nwacg.net
Thu Apr 27 22:28:29 PDT 2006

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mike at theupstairsroom.com>:

> Quoting Nathan Mills <nathan at nwacg.net>:
>> It displayed the correct address book by default in Turba, but Hermes
>> continues to list only contacts in the localsql source, presumably
>> because the getClients lookup is doing the wrong thing.  After
>> creating a new localsql book and changing the default_dir to it's
>> localsql:uid, it doesn't seem to work, nor did selecting it in the
>> user's default book control.  I must really be doing something wrong.
> Setting the default_dir *shouldn't* have any effect on what address
> book is displayed by hermes so you really wouldn't expect to see any
> change.

Sorry for being unclear, I was talking about Turba, not Hermes.  For  
some reason it didn't work in Turba before I just now checked it upon  
seeing your e-mail.

>> I tried using the 04-26-2006 turba snapshot, in addition to the
>> release we're running normally (2.1).  As far as permissions,
>> shouldn't the owner of the shared addressbook be able to see it in
>> hermes, since it works in turba?
> Yes.


>> Since I sent the last mail, I noticed that even with the clients pref
>> set to plain 'localsql' the non-admin users don't see any clients,
>> even the stuff in their  own localsql address book.  Also, I find that
>> it's not showing the shared address book in the other user's Turba
>> anymore.  I thought must have messed something up last night, so I
>> deleted and recreated the address book, and it still doesn't work.
> Do you by any chance have any permissions set for Turba using
> Administration->Permissions->Turba?

No.  When it didn't work, I tried adding some, but since it didn't  
help anything, I removed them.  The only admin permissions that exist  
are for Kronolith, to allow its use without authentication for a  
specific shared calendar.  Datatree agrees.

Heh..looking at it just now, it seems to work.  All I did was delete  
everything in the datatree and in the turba_objects table that had  
anything to do with my user or its address book uids.  With luck, it  
will continue to work.  I'm even more confused now, as I hadn't messed  
with it today since I deleted all of my address books and recreated a  
shared one and changed the clients address book setting and tested it,  
finding it not to work.  Odd that it wouldn't even select it as  
default in Turba before but now it works in Hermes.

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps I misremember the  
sequence of events and deleting all the existing addresses (directly  
from the pgsql DB) in my original localsql address book fixed it.   
Maybe there was some wonky entry from before we upgraded or something.

There isn't any caching of the settings in memory that would  
eventually go away after several hours of nobody using Horde, is there?

Perhaps over the weekend I can set up a new installation and see if I  
can figure out exactly what was going wrong.


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