[turba] turba REALY REALY slow

Jessian Ferreira Cavalcanti jessian at usp.br
Fri Jun 2 07:19:53 PDT 2006

Jan Schneider escreveu:
> Zitat von Nima S Panahi <avs at panahi.com>:
>> It takes minutes to list the contacts. I have fast server and mysql   
>> works fast
>> too. What can the problem be?
> That you didn't configure your address book sources.
> Jan.
But what if I have configured the mysql sources in Horde
and Turba "localsql" configuration merges the parameters
from Horde, and even so the server slows?

And what if I have sniffed the mysql connection thru tethereal
and it takes 3 minutes from the first connection (getting the
turba preferences) and the last one (getting the addressbook,
with a perfectly formed sql clause)? What still can the problem be?
What would be the reason for the delay between the two queries?

thanks for any help :-)

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