[turba] [Spam?] Re: Upgrading from Turba 1.2 to 2.0

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Thu Jul 6 07:04:28 PDT 2006

Quoting Brett Charbeneau <brett at wrl.org>:

> 	Both test.php and the install package itself identify as 1.2 - I've not
> played with any earlier versions.

If the database script included with this package does not create the  
object_members and object_type fields, then the package is not  
creating the correct database for Turba 1.2

> 	I apologize for my ignorance of MySQL - I could not get this command to
> function from the mysql prompt, but phpadmin gave me this output:

No problem, but you should be able to just type it out (be sure to  
include the semi-colon at the end - and also be sure you are using the  
horde database (type:  use horde; )

> EXPLAIN turba_objects
> Field 			Type 		Null 	Key 	Default 	Extra
> object_id 		varchar(32) 	  	PRI
> owner_id 		varchar(255) 	  	MUL
> object_name 		varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_alias 		varchar(32) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_email 		varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_homeaddress 	varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_workaddress 	varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_homephone 	varchar(25) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_workphone 	varchar(25) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_cellphone 	varchar(25) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_fax 		varchar(25) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_title 		varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_company 		varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_notes 		text 		YES 	  	NULL
> object_uid 		varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_freebusyurl 	varchar(255) 	YES 	  	NULL
> object_smimepublickey 	text 		YES 	  	NULL
> object_pgppublickey 	text 		YES 	  	NULL

Um, you never added back in the object_type and object_members fields.  
  Turba 2.0 requires these to be present.

ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD object_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL  
DEFAULT 'Object';

ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD object_members BLOB;


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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