[turba] mysql address book not showing for new users

Olasoji Ajayi olasoji at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 01:14:11 PDT 2006

on the horde readme file, i have:
:Last update: $Date: 2005/10/18 11:33:35 $

:Revision: $Revision: $

and its horde  3.1.1

and for turba i have:
:Last update: $Date: 2005/10/18 12:50:03 $

:Revision: $Revision: $

and its turba h3-2.1

these are the entries in the sources.php that i chanaged, all the otheres
have been commented out (some of the values in the ldap section have been
chnaged for security reasons)

$cfgSources['localsql'] = array(

'title' => _("My Address Book"),

'type' => 'sql',

// The default connection details are pulled from the Horde-wide SQL

// connection configuration.


// The old example illustrates how to use an alternate database

// configuration.


// New Example:

'params' => array_merge($conf['sql'], array('table' => 'turba_objects')),

// Old Example:

// 'params' => array(

// 'phptype' => 'mysql',

// 'hostspec' => 'localhost',

// 'username' => 'horde',

// 'password' => '*****',

// 'database' => 'horde',

// 'table' => 'turba_objects',

// 'charset' => 'iso-8859-1'

// ),

'map' => array(

'__key' => 'object_id',

'__owner' => 'owner_id',

'__type' => 'object_type',

'__members' => 'object_members',

'__uid' => 'object_uid',

'name' => 'object_name',

'email' => 'object_email',

'alias' => 'object_alias',

'homeAddress' => 'object_homeaddress',

'workAddress' => 'object_workaddress',

'homePhone' => 'object_homephone',

'workPhone' => 'object_workphone',

'cellPhone' => 'object_cellphone',

'fax' => 'object_fax',

'title' => 'object_title',

'company' => 'object_company',

'notes' => 'object_notes',

'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey',

'smimePublicKey' => 'object_smimepublickey',

'freebusyUrl' => 'object_freebusyurl'


'search' => array(




'strict' => array(





'export' => true,

'browse' => true,

'use_shares' => false,


if (Util::extensionExists('ldap')) {


* A local address book in an LDAP directory. This implements a public

* (shared) address book.

* To store freebusy information in the LDAP directory, you'll need the

* rfc2739.schema from

* http://www.whitemiceconsulting.com/node/42


$cfgSources['localldap'] = array(

'title' => _(shared Addressbook"),

'type' => 'ldap',

'params' => array(

'server' => 'localhost',

'port' => 389,

'tls' => false,

'root' => 'ou=myou,dc=mydc,dc=mygov,dc=myng',

'bind_dn' => 'cn=root,ou=rootou,dc=rootorg',

'bind_password' => 'mypassword',

'sizelimit' => 200,

'dn' => array('cn'),

'objectclass' => array('top',




'scope' => 'one',

'charset' => 'iso-8859-1',

// Consult the LDAP schema to verify that all required attributes for

// an entry are set and add them if needed.

'checkrequired' => false,

// Value used to fill in missing required attributes.

'checkrequired_string' => ' ',

// Check LDAP schema for valid syntax. If this is undefined an

// address field is assumed to have postalAddress syntax; otherwise

// the schema is consulted for the syntax to use.

'checksyntax' => true,

'version' => 3


'map' => array(

'__key' => 'dn',

'__uid' => 'uid',

'name' => 'cn',

'email' => 'mail',

'homePhone' => 'homephone',

'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',

'cellPhone' => 'mobiletelephonenumber',

'homeAddress' => 'homepostaladdress',

// 'freebusyUrl' => 'calFBURL',


'search' => array(








'strict' => array(



'export' => true,

'browse' => true,


What i find baffeling is what i could have done to the configurations that
will make it woork for some accounts and not work for another, i would
expect that if there is something wrong in my turba config, it should affect
all accounts

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Rubinsky" <mike at theupstairsroom.com>
To: <turba at lists.horde.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [turba] mysql address book not showing for new users

> Quoting Olasoji Ajayi <olasoji at gmail.com>:
> > I have set up horde with turba using a shared ldap address book and
> > mysql for personal address book. I have created some users, my users
> >  are in the ldap and they all appear in the ldap address book. all
> > my  users have two entries in the address book select box.
> >
> > a few months later, I decided to create another user, after the
> > creation, the shared address book shows on the address book menu but
> >  the personal address book does not show in the selection list, and
> > this only happens for the new account, the old accounts still
> > displays the personal address book item along with the shared
> > address book.
> Horde/Turba versions?
> Some config information from sources.php?
> Any errors in the logs?
> Thanks,
> mike
> --
> The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
> mrubinsk at horde.org
> --
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