[turba] Address Book Setup Questions

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Oct 25 12:51:13 PDT 2006

Quoting Adam Tauno Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com>:

> 1. Compound field (and others) appearing in Advanced Search.
> Since OGo supplies a firstname/lastname field I have a field in the
> source defined like:
> 'name' => array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
>                        'format' => '%s %s'),
>  - which appears OK and works as the link to go from search results to
> editing the record/object.
> But "name" also appears in Advanced Search.  Is it possible to limit the
> fields that appear in advanced search?  Since "name" isn't really a
> field I can't search it;  it does appear greyd out in the edit and add
> screens.
> There are also other fields that cannot be searched but are available to
> the user I would like to not appear in the Advanced Search form,  which
> seems to just display all the fields.
> I have a "search" stanza in the source config -
>     'search' => array(
>         'displayname',
>         'firstname',
>         'lastname',
>     ),
> - but it only limits the 'quick search' screen.

Yup, that's how things currently work. Suggestions for the best way to  
tweak this are welcome.

> 2. Permissions
> I pretty sure this isn't possible,  but is there a way to signal the
> user interface (perhaps via an attribute) that an object is read-only
> and cannot be edited by the the user?  (Sort of like "__owner" divides
> up an single source for multiple users.)  I noticed that the abstract
> Turba Driver class has a hasPermission permission, but it only applies
> to sources/shares (?) [ I'm unclear as the possible values of $perm for
> hasPermission($perm) ].

Right; permissions are on a share level, though the Creator permission  
might (_might_) fit here. Are you sure you have objects that are  
readonly mixed with fully editable ones in the same share? Seems a bit  


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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