[turba] A few remaining issues with Turba

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Thu Nov 9 13:04:44 PST 2006

Quoting Eric <spamsink at scoot.netis.com>:

> PASSWORDS:  How to users change their own passwords?  I see how the  
> administrator can do it for any user, but I don't see a way that  
> users can do it for themselves.

The passwd application. http://horde.org/passwd

> GLOBAL ADDRESS BOOK:  I want the default address book (the one that  
> is created when turba is first installed) to be available to  
> everybody for reads, writes, edits, adds, and deletes.  I have  
> use_shares set to true in sources.php (That was the default setting  
> out of the box), and have checked all of the permissions boxes for  
> each of the users under Administration->Permissions for the admin  
> user, but users still can't see the admin's "My Address Book".

Maybe a little background on the way shares work would be helpful.   
There really is no default address that is created when turba is  
installed.  What happens is the first time a user logs on, a default  
address book is created for that user.  The data for that address book  
is saved in the turba_objects table.  So, I'm not really sure what  
address book you wish to have shared when you say "the one that is  
created when turba is first installed." - Each user has their own  
default address book. Users can choose to share their own address  
books if they choose using the "My Address Books" page within turba.

When you have 'use_shares' set to true for a source, all permissions  
on that source should be set using the 'My Address Books" page, not  
the permissions page.  To create a 'Global' address book using the  
share system, you should create a new address book (again, using My  
Address Book page) and use the "edit permissions" button on the My  
Address Books page to assign permissions.

> CREATING NEW ADDRESS BOOKS:  I can't find the way to do that.  Under  
> Organizing->Address Book->My Address Book, it shows excerpts from  
> the user's own My Address Book, but nothing is visible that would  
> allow creating a new address book.

Did you set the value in the turba config 'Name of source for creating  
new shares?" (Adimistration->Setup->Address Book->shares)  If you are  
using the example 'localsql' source in sources.php then this value  
should be 'localsql'.

> DATES:  Any dates prior to January 1, 1970, don't seem to get saved.  
>  I have a "birthday" field that is set up in attributes.php to go  
> all the way back to 1900, i.e.:
> $attributes['birthday'] = array(
>     'label' => _("Birthday"),
>     'type' => 'monthdayyear',
>     'params' => array(1900, null, true, '%Y-%m-%d'),
>     'required' => false,
> )

This is a known issue on some systems, see  

> IMPORTING:  I realize this is a MySQL question and not a Turba  
> question, but I assume many of you have been there and done that...  
> Currently our address book is in an Excel spreadsheet.  I plan to  
> export it to a CSV file and would like to import that file into  
> Turba's turba_objects.  Can any of you suggest some reading for me  
> to learn the right way (as contrasted with any number of "wrong"  
> ways) to do that?

I haven't really done much work with the importing functions.  My only  
suggestion would be to make sure the exported data matches the fields  
that you have in turba...then you could try using Turba's Import  
functions....and backup, backup, backup ;)


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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