[turba] Migration question!

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Mon Nov 27 22:44:51 PST 2006

Quoting Ismael Milach da Silveira <ismael at doctornet.com.br>:

> Hey guys!
> I'm having a problem migrating turba here...it looks very simple,  
> but I just can't find out what I'm doing wrong...
> Turba is working fine at the new server, I'm able to create new  
> contacts, etc. the problem is, the old contacts aren't there (the  
> database is), because (it looks like)..new users are being  
> recognized without the @domain.com in the owner_id...as follows:
> new server:
> ########################################
> mysql> select owner_id from turba_objects where owner_id REGEXP "doctor";
> +------------------------+
> | owner_id               |
> +------------------------+
> | doctor                 |
> | doctor at domain.com |
> +------------------------+
> ######################################
> "doctor" has the new address book I created, while doctor at domain.com  
> has the old address book, when I login as "doctor" the new address  
> book appears.
> the original server has only:
> ########################################################
> mysql> select owner_id from turba_objects where owner_id REGEXP "doctor";
> +------------------------+
> | owner_id               |
> +------------------------+
> | doctor at domain.com |
> +------------------------+
> #####################################################
> now, the stupid question is, how can I login as "doctor" and make  
> turba (or imp?) treats it like "doctor at domain.com" to retrieve the  
> old address book.

Do you need to keep the old and new address books seperate, or do they  
both belong to the same 'doctor'?  If you simply want the user  
'doctor' to login and see the old (doctor at domain.com) address book,  
you can just change the values of the owner_id field to remove the  

If this is not what you want, and you want to go back to using the  
full email address as the owner_id, you should look into the various  
hooks that are available....or just set horde up the same way you did  
on the old server ;)


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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