[turba] Problem to convert a public source (turba <= 2.0.x) to a shared source (turba >= 2.1)

Yvon Lafaille yvon.lafaille at limousin.iufm.fr
Tue Dec 5 05:08:40 PST 2006

Quoting Michael Rubinskyt:

>> Please help.
> I'll try... 

Thanks for your reply

> I just tried this on my dev install, and it worked fine.  SO, I'll  
> need a little more info to try to figure out what is going on here.

I managed to make it work.
First, "Horde" had been configured without DataTree backend.
I configured with :
    Horde DataTree storage backend : SQL Database
    Driver configuration : Horde defaults
I think that a DataTree storage SQL backend is mandatory to make the 
"Turba Horde shares" work.
I notice that there had been no error when I launched the script  
"turba/scripts/upgrades/public_to_horde_share.php" without DataTree 
backend ; Maybe it is a bug.
Then I launched again the script : 
    This script will turn all entries in the SQL address book into a 
globally shared
    address book.
    Username of the user you would like to own the new public source. 
    Enter the title you would like to give to the new public source. 
Public Addresses
    What is the internal name of the share we are converting? [localsql] 
    [   OK   ] Created new Horde_Share object for the shared address book.
    [  INFO  ] Moving 347 contacts to Public Addresses.
   Would you like to add the new public source to every user's address 
book prefere
        (0) no
        (1) yes
    Type your choice: 1
    [   OK   ] Successfully added new shared address book to the user 
    *** Public Addresses successfully created ***
   Share Info:
        Title: Public Addresses
        Owner: Administrator
        uid:   dfa9fb2a5981046059df70cf42141012

After that, the users were able to see the "Public Addresses" address 
book and search in it.
But the old unusable source "Adresses Publiques" was still showing.
I modified the following lines in "./turba/config/prefs.php" to get a 
correct behaviour :
    $_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
        'value' => '',
replaced with :
    $_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
        'value' => 'localsql



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