[turba] Question about Turba and search.php

Mark Hennessy mhennessy at cloud9.net
Wed Jan 17 08:22:35 PST 2007

I do an advanced search and when I click on one of the criteria of sorting in
the search results, I get bounced to browse.php.  I see this in Turba 2.1.2
on two of my systems.  Has this been fixed in Turba 2.1.3?  

I don't see anything in CHANGES to indicate that it has.

If a fix for it is in HEAD, is there a patch available?  Should I open a bug

Also, I can't seem to find where I can find patches to go from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
on the website, where are those patches made available?

Thanks in advance for any help!

 Mark Hennessy

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