[turba] Issues with LDAP and Personal Address Book.

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 08:11:50 PST 2007


Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. Very much appreciated.

On 1/19/07, Adam Tauno Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com> wrote:
> Please post replies TO THE LIST and not to me personally.

sorry, I just pressed reply. Looks like the mailist doesn't change the
reply-to automatically.

> On Fri, 2On 1/19/07, Adam Tauno Williams <adam at morrison-ind.com> wrote:
> > uid=20070119004910.195wmx3n9sdc at,ou=avenardj,ou=personal_addressbook,ou=OxObjects,dc=hydrix,dc=com
> > - exist?>
> > > Your RDN in the above example is "cn=First"
> > No it doesn't.
> Hence error 32
> I think it is trying to be helpful and create a unique key.

but this is obviously the source of the error. I'm only using the
default ldap settings slightly modified to use my own
I find it surprising that it has such behaviour, which just won't work

I'm also using the standard scheme suggest by the Turba documentation:
that is:
all personnal address book are stored in

What is your architecture ?

> This is configured in your sources.
> The head of our LDAP source looks like -
> $cfgSources['personal_ldap_contacts'] = array(
>     'title' => _("Personal Directory (Contacts)"),
>     'type' => 'ldap',
>     'params' => array(
>         'server' => 'littleboy.morrison.iserv.net',
>         'tls' => true,
>         'root' => 'ou=Contacts,ou=' .
> $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('ldap_usercn') .
> ',ou=addressBooks,ou=Mail,ou=SubSystems,o=Morrison Industries,c=US',

Here Is simply have:
        'root' => 'ou=' . $uid . ',ou=personal_addressbook,' . $basedn,

I fail to see where the unique key come from.

>         'bind_dn' => $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('ldap_userdn'),
>         'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),

Sorry if I don't immediately grab how your LDAP entries are set up,
I'm really no expert in LDAP :(


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