[turba] Turba Personal Address Book LDAP ACL Problems ( Postfix Vdomain Structure )

Data Leung data_leung at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 16 03:38:18 UTC 2007

Dear List ,
       Below are the package which I had been install on my testing 
mailserver .

1. CentOS 4.4
2. OpenLDAP 2.2.13.
3. MySQL 4.1.20
4. Postfix + LDAP + Virtual Domain deployment.
5. Phamm ( Web Administration console for Postfix / LDAP )
6. Courier-Auth / Courier-LDAP
7. Horde-3.1.4.tar.gz
8. IMP H3 4.1.4
9. Turba H3 2.1.4
10. Php Version 4.3.9

And I am looking Turba could provide following feature .
1. Global Address Book ( LDAP Base ) * This had been done *
2. Personal Address Book ( LDAP Base ) * Have trouble *
Requirement for Personal Address Book

a. Personal Address Book Sub entry could " Read / Write " their own personal 
b. Nobody else could access READ / WRITE  " the other users personal address 
book exlcude owner.

My problems is while I try to write a entry which's locate in ldap personal 
addressbook sub entry.
There got a error message pop-up in " Turba New Contact Page  "

====================== ERROR =================================
Here is my ACL which had been deploy in " Slapd.conf "
There was an error adding the new contact. Contact your system administrator 
for further help.Failed to add an object: [50] "Insufficient access" DN: 
Book,mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com 

Here is my ACL specified in slapd.conf

================= SLAPD ACL ======================
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?cn=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
        by anonymous auth
        by dn.exact="cn=dnsldap,ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$2,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=master,cn=$2,ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com" write

access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?dc=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
        by anonymous auth
        by dn.exact="cn=dnsldap,ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$2,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=master,cn=$2,ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com" write

access to dn.exact="ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com"
        by anonymous auth
        by dn.exact="cn=dnsldap,ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com" read

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self write
        by anonymous auth
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" write

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self read
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by set="user/editAccounts & [TRUE]" write
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" write

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self write
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" write

access to dn.regex="^.*,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self read
        by set="user/editAccounts & [TRUE]" write
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by * none

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self write
        by anonymous read
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by set="user/editAccounts & [TRUE]" write
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self read
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" write

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by anonymous read
        by self read
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$1,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" write

access to dn.regex=".+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
        by self read
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by set="user/vd & [$1]" read

access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
        by self write
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by set="user/editAccounts & [FALSE]" read
        by dn.exact,expand="cn=postmaster,vd=$2,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
        by set="user/vd & [$2]" write

access to dn.regex=".+,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
        by self write
        by dn.exact="cn=phamm,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" read
        by anonymous auth

access to dn.regex=".+,ou=admin,dc=strsh,dc=com$" attr=userPassword
        by self write
        by anonymous auth

access to dn.regex=".+,ou=admin,dc=strsh,dc=com$" attr=vd
        by self read

####### Turba Personal Address Book ACL locate in SLAPD.conf#######

access to dn.regex="^ou=Address 
Book,mail=([^,]+),vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" attrs=children
        by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
        by dn.exact,expand="mail=$1,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

access to dn.regex="[^,]+,ou=Address 
attrs=entry, at inetOrgPerson
        by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
        by dn.exact,expand="mail=$1,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

# give write access to one's address book entry to admin only
access to dn.regex="[^,]+,ou=Address 
attrs=entry, at inetOrgPerson
        by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
        by dn.exact,expand="mail=$1,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

access to dn.regex="^mail=[^,]+,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
        by self read

===============Openldap /var/log/ldap.log ====================
==============="loglevel 128 acl filter" enabled ==================

Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=4 fd=14 ACCEPT from 
IP= (IP=
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=4 op=0 BIND 
dn="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" method=128
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=4 op=0 BIND 
dn="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=4 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=5 fd=15 ACCEPT from 
IP= (IP=
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=5 op=0 BIND 
dn="mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => access_allowed: auth access to 
"mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
"userPassword" requested
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [1] 
^(.+,)?cn=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 2
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [2] 
^(.+,)?dc=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 2
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dn: [3] ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [4] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [4] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [4] attr userPassword
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_mask: access to entry 
"mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com", attr 
"userPassword" requested
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_mask: to all values by "", 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= check a_dn_pat: self
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= check a_dn_pat: anonymous
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= acl_mask: [2] applying auth(=x) 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= acl_mask: [2] mask: auth(=x)
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => access_allowed: auth access 
granted by auth(=x)
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=5 op=0 BIND 
dn="mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=5 op=0 RESULT tag=97 err=0 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: conn=5 op=1 ADD 
Book,mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com"
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => access_allowed: write access to 
Book,mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 
"children" requested
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [1] 
^(.+,)?cn=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 2
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [2] 
^(.+,)?dc=([^,]+),ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 2
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dn: [3] ou=dns,dc=strsh,dc=com
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [4] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [4] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [5] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [5] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [6] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [6] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [7] 
^.*,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [7] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [8] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [8] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [9] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [9] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [10] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [10] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [11] 
.+,vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 1
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [11] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => dnpat: [12] 
^(.+,)?vd=([^,]+),o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$ nsub: 2
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [12] matched
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_get: [12] attr children
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_mask: access to entry 
Book,mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com", attr 
"children" requested
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => acl_mask: to all values by 
"mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com", (=n)
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= check a_dn_pat: self
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= check a_dn_pat: 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => bdb_entry_get: found entry: 
"mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com"
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= check a_dn_pat: 
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => bdb_entry_get: found entry: 
"mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com"
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: <= acl_mask: no more <who> clauses, 
returning =n (stop)
Apr 16 10:59:17 mailserver1 slapd[8364]: => access_allowed: write access 
denied by =n

Here is my Turba Source.php

//First we need to get the uid.
// $mail_domain = substr($HTTP_HOST, strpos($HTTP_HOST, ".")+1);
$mail_domain = 'strsh.com';
$uid = Auth::getBareAuth();
$basedn = 'dc=strsh,dc=com';
$cfgSources['personal_ldap'] = array(
     'title' => _("Personal Address"),
     'type' => 'ldap',
     'params' => array(
         'server' => 'mailserver1.strsh.com',
         'tls' => false,

         'root' => 'ou=Address Book,mail=' . $uid . '@' . 
$mail_domain.',vd=' . $mail_domain.',o=hosting,' . $basedn,
         'bind_dn' => 'mail=' . $uid . '@' . $mail_domain . ',vd=' . 
$mail_domain . ',o=hosting,' . $basedn,
                  'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),
        //'bind_password' => '123',
        //'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('userPassword'),
         'dn' => array('cn', 'uid' ),
         'objectclass' => array('top',
                                // 'turbaContact',
                                // 'calEntry',
         'scope' => 'one',
         'charset' => 'utf-8',
         'version' => 3
     'map' => array(
         '__key' => 'dn',
         ///'__uid' => 'uid',

         // From horde.schema:
         //'__type' => 'turbaType',
         //'__members' => 'turbaMembers'

         'name' => 'cn',
         'email' => 'mail',
         'lastname' => 'sn',
         'title' => 'title',
                  'company' => 'organizationname',
         'businessCategory' => 'businesscategory',
         'workAddress' => 'postaladdress',
         'workPostalCode' => 'postalcode',
         'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
         'fax' => 'facsimiletelephonenumber',
         'homeAddress' => 'homepostaladdress',
         'homePhone' => 'homephone',
         'cellPhone' => 'mobile',
         'notes' => 'description',
     'search' => array(
     'strict' => array(

     'export' => true,
     'browse' => true,

I try to use following way to Diagnostic this problems.
1. Try to use LDAPadmin ( Windows LDAP Client ) and make use of following 
ATTR ( mail & userPassword ) login

User Entry : 
mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com
password Entry :  xxx

2. Try to use the following ACL and specificted " RIGHT PERSONAL " mail / 
password attr and create the Personal address Book " Please read TEST ACL "

3. Bind " ROOT PASSWORD " of LDAP and locate in source.php . " That's work ~ 
" but I don't want this .

================= TEST ACL =====================
#access to dn.regex="^ou=Address 
Book,mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$" 
#        by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
#        by 
dn.exact,expand="mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

#access to dn.regex="[^,]+,ou=Address 
attrs=entry, at inetOrgPerson
#        by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
#        by 
dn.exact,expand="mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

# give write access to one's address book entry to admin only
#access to dn.regex="[^,]+,ou=Address 
attrs=entry, at inetOrgPerson
#       by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=strsh,dc=com" write
#       by 
dn.exact,expand="mail=data.leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com" 

#access to 
dn.regex="^mail=data.leung at strsh.com+,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com$"
#        by self read

Below is my LDAP Tree structure .

Personal Address Book OU :
Book,mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com

Users attr store location :
mail=Data.Leung at strsh.com,vd=strsh.com,o=hosting,dc=strsh,dc=com
* Suppose attr mail = uid

I hope somebody else could help , and I and search around Google for few 
days already .
But doesn't help me alot to solve this out .

Thanks and looking forward your reply .

>From Data Leung.

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