[turba] Importing contacts from thunderbird

Estela Macías emacias at usb.ve
Tue Apr 24 18:19:27 UTC 2007

> Zitat von Estela Macías <emacias at usb.ve>:
>> Hi,
>> When i try to import contacts from thunderbird, turba show "DB Error",
>> my database
>> charset in postgres is UTF-8 por default and i configured sources.php
>> file in sql source
>> with the same (UTF-8).
>> I think that is incompatibility in Character Encoding between
>> thunderbird and turba,
>> specifically with accents and other characters like 'ñ'.
> Unlikely, unless you've chosen a wrong charset in the import window.
> Even then you probably won't get a DB Error.
> Check your logs.
> Jan.
Well, i had problem importing contacts using comma separating values
but i resolved installing pear/File. Later, i probe importing contacts
in this case from Thunderbird and excelent, i resolved one problem but
importing with tab separating values is not working:

Nombre	Apellidos	Nombre mostrado	Apodo	Direcci?e correo electr?o
principal	Direcci?e correo
fanny	ter?fanny ter?	fteran at hotmail.com

Last example shows wrongs characters in accents.
Finally get error "DB Error:  unknown error" and logs shows:
Apr 24 14:12:54 HORDE [error] [turba] DB Error: unknown error: SELECT  
object_id, owner_id, object_type, object_members, object_uid,  
object_name, object_email, object_title, object_company,  
object_homephone, object_workphone, object_cellphone, object_fax,  
object_homeaddress, object_workaddress, object_notes FROM  
turba_objects WHERE (owner_id = 'emacias' AND (object_name ILIKE  
'%fanny ter?n%')) [nativecode=ERROR:  secuencia de bytes no válida  
para codificación «UTF8»: 0xe16e25] [on line 126 of  

Thanks for your help

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