[turba] Question: sharing address book / problem

Helmut Schiefer helmut at 4Schiefer.de
Sun Jun 24 08:21:25 UTC 2007

Dear Folk,

first of all sorry for my english isn't really good.
In the last few day I installed the newest version of turba. After  
some problems with the old address books now it runs with some minor  

Maybe anyone can told me a little trick.
If I make a new address book I want give permission to other users.  
These action didn't work completely. Nobody saw these address book. If  
I use the the "options" in the main menu of turba an then Options for  
Address Books, I can see the books in the drop down menu of "This will  
be the default ..." but I didn't see any of the Address books in the  
"Choose which address books ..."

Thanks for any help
Best Regards

Helmut Schiefer

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